Pastor’s Word: September 2018

Sonlife Communications Pastor's Word

Dear Sonlife Church!

In Matthew 5:14, Jesus said to the crowd: “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.” When I think about the grace of God in allowing us to have a presence in the heart of Leederville, I am reminded of this passage. Light cannot be hidden. In fact, where there is darkness, light shines even brighter! A city on a hill cannot be hidden. In fact, the more elevated the hill the more obvious the city!

Over the past few months, whenever I meet other pastors and leaders from within our city, they all tell me the same thing: “We have seen your building on Oxford Street”, or “I have heard of Sonlife Church and how you guys are moving into a new building in Leederville”, or “How blessed are you guys to have the opportunity to reach and influence Leederville”! Every time I hear these comments, I get extremely nervous. Why? The reality is that God has been so gracious in allowing our church to be in the heart of Leederville. We have the wonderful privilege of being a light in this part of the city, or should I say, a church on a hill! Everyone will know that we belong to Jesus, that we love him and want to display the glory of God through the Gospel.

I am so excited that I get to do this with you, and I look forward to working beside you to be that light in Leederville, to be a city/church on a hill. To be a community of believers where we will continue to fall in love with our Creator and our community. Let’s have a love that breaks all barriers, a real bold love for the people of Leederville and beyond.

Much love,

Pastor Binh