Dear Sonlife Church,
Over the past few months, I have been thinking about how we can grow in the area of church engagement. What exactly do I mean by ‘church engagement’? We should want to see our church actively living out the mission of bringing glory to God by making disciples through the gospel. We want to see Sonlifers more engaged with the mission of seeing many come to faith, grow in the faith and living out the faith! The gospel changes us, and in that transformation we find ourselves living a life worthy of the Christ!
Here are 3 practical things you and I can do to see more people engaged with our mission:
- Encourage each other to join a Connect Group. In these groups we grow together in small communities. We belong to our church and capture the heartbeat of our church. We care for each other, we disciple one another, and we encourage a life of spiritual growth. These groups will help us grow as Christians for the glory of God.
- Encourage each other to come along every Sunday. We gather on Sunday to worship our risen Lord and thank God for salvation through the Cross. We hear the Word of God preached, in order to help us grow in His love and grow in our desire to live out His mission.
- Encourage each other to serve the mission of Sonlife. When people serve, they also grow. I would even say that the healthiest people in our church are those who are serving within our church. They are engaged with the mission of Sonlife Church!
So let’s all continue to encourage everyone at Sonlife to engage with what God is doing here. It is an exciting season for us, so let’s not miss out what God has intended!
Much love,
Pastor Binh