Pastor’s Word: January 2019

Sonlife CommunicationsPastor's Word

Happy New Year Sonlife Church!

I hope you have all had some time to rest after a very busy December! We all know that this is a busy period: Christmas gatherings, dinners, parties, Christmas shopping, Boxing Day shopping and much more! I believe that during this period you and your family have had the opportunity to reflect on the love of God in sending his Son, our Lord Jesus into the world. We know that Jesus came to be the Saviour of the world – to save humanity from the problem of sin! Praise God that he did this for us all.

As we move forward into 2019, may we live in such as way that displays the grace of God in saving us.  Here are a few tips:

  1. Be extra kind to your neighbours in the new year. Love them extravagantly!
  2. Be intentional with your relationships, especially those who do not know Jesus. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you share the Good News.
  3. Be helpful at church. If you are not serving, find an area to help our church as we move forward with our mission.
  4. Be determined to read more and pray more this year. It boils down to discipline. Set a time to read the Bible and to be in the presence of God daily.
  5. Be regular with our Sunday attendance. This may seem obviously, but I am reading lots of material claiming that church attendance is on the decline. May this not be the case at Sonlife!

Much love,
Pastor Binh