Oxford Street Building Update: March

Sonlife Communications Building update

As we approach the end of March, building works are ramping up!


The builder is currently constructing a sound wall on the north boundary. Following this, we will need to clean up the rear courtyard paving and plant the garden areas.

Main Hall

The asbestos removal, new roof and new ceiling were all completed last year, and the new stage construction has recently been completed thanks to several busy bees and 100% Sonlife manpower!


The Audio Visual set up is almost complete, and our favourite electrican (Ma) will continue installing lights throughout April.

North Wing

Structural steel work was completed prior to Christmas. Partition walls are being constructed to create the new bathroom and classroom spaces, and are 70% complete. These will have acoustic sound absorption and insulation.

Plumbing for the bathrooms has been completed, and tiling and fixtures will be installed in April and May respectively.

Busy Bees

Busy Bees will continue to be organised over the next few months. Stay tuned for advertised dates. In April we will focus mainly on painting, and in late May will be install the carpet and vinyl/timber flooring and acoustic curtain. We will also have some landscaping work to do.

We have had a lot of locals visit the building, and many have expressed an interest to visit us when we arrive. We have been blessed with a few deliveries of biscuits, cake and a hot curry from Aunty Kim! Yummy…

Also, if you have a trade skill and wish to pitch in, please let us know.

Reid Ballantine