Message: “7 Tips to be Filled with the Holy Spirit ” from Binh Nguyen

Andrew Chong

Binh Nguyen - March 14, 2021

7 Tips to be Filled with the Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit

Filled in Holy Spirits is (1) Present tense (2) Imperative - is a command (3) Plural - for everyone (4) Passive Voice - God does it not you (5) Evidence The 7 tips are: (1) Do not grieve the Holy Spirit ie when we doing things He does not want us to do - Ephesians 4:30 (2) Do not quench the Holy Spirit ie when we refuse to do the things He wants us to do - 1 Thessalonians 5:19 (3) Admit you need Spirit-filling ie are you humble enough to admit you need His filling - Psalm 25:9 (4) Ask for Spirit-filling- Luke 11:10 & 13 (5) Obey the Holy Spirit’s prompting - Acts 10:44 (6) Confess & repent of all known sins (7) Live everyday as the people of God - Ephesians 4:1-3, Galatians 5:16-17

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