Alpha Course 2018

Sonlife Communications Sonlife events

Sonlife Church ran our very first Alpha Course from May 10th to June 28th. It turned out to be a much bigger event than first anticipated, with around 30 to 40 people attending each Thursday night, including 12 who were seeking to know more about Jesus.


The course was really quite inspiring on a number of levels. Many of our pre-believing friends were willing to attend most if not all the sessions, and it was such a joy for us to see our friends grow in their understanding of the gospel. This was partly due to the revised version of the Alpha material, which many found to be very well produced and engaging.

But what was particularly inspiring was the amazing effort and persistence of so many volunteers who came week after week to make this happen. Especially:

  • Sofia – who helped organise the food preparation over the 8 weeks
  • Jada – who helped facilitate an awesome children’s program that kept kids children fully engaged and allowed adults to attend who otherwise could not
  • The table leaders (Jason, Adrian and Tim) – who facilitated fruitful discussions week after week
  • Other Sonlifers who helped provided wonderful support to those seeking the Lord
  • The many Sonlife ladies whose amazing cooking was a huge drawcard and encouragement for people to keep coming regularly.


Probably the greatest highlight behind all this, is that the Lord is stirring in many of us a passion and desire to see people saved. We’ve been reminded that “there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent” (Luke 15:7). Indeed, we continue to pray for those who have attended the course and that many seeds sown will ultimately lead to salvation.

Simon Yung